Retrospective: The Women's March on Washington - January 21st, 2017
It seems only right to look back on this day and this march here on International Women’s Day 2019.
Just this morning I discovered that the Women’s March on Washington, which took place 24 hours after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America, was the largest single-day political protest in U.S. history. Estimates tally anywhere from 3,000,000 to almost 5,000,000 people marching across the nation, and around the world.
For the rest of my life, I will never forget that morning and the strength and hope and resilient and fearlessness and determination I saw on display. Here is a section of never-before-seen color edits of my photographs from that day.
Oh and shout-out to my dear friend, Jessie Bennett, who I marched side by side with. Years prior, when we lived in the same city together, her friendship was the catalyst for me beginning to actively identify proudly as a feminist.
You can see the rest of my work documenting the rise in political action on the streets in recent years here.