20 Years Later - Flight 93 Crash Site National Memorial - Sept 11 Attacks
Earlier this week, I woke up around 3am to drive 4hrs out to Shanksville, Pennsylvania. For reasons I have yet to find the words for, I felt compelled to finally make a pilgrimage to visit the crash site of the final plane to be taken over by terrorists all those years ago, a day which I still have vivid memories of, a day which changed the course of all of our lives forever and for always.
I don’t have a long diatribe to write about America in 2021 vs 2001, or the politics that have risen and fallen and risen once more in the decades since, or any predictions for where America can and will be going. All I have to say is that the final resting place of those 40 souls is a truly beautiful place. The fields, the mountains, the forests, there is much peace to be found there.