Int'l Photography Awards: OneShot “Street” Competition - Honorable Mention
A group of protestors disrupted by the use of mace & scare tactics. Taken around 2:45pm on January 20th, 2017 in Downtown Washington D.C., mere hours into Donald J. Trump's term as the 45th President of the United States of America.
I received an Honorable Mention in the OneShot Street Photography category for the Int’l Photography Awards.
The Grand Prize winner is what I consider to be one of the greatest photographs of the 21st Century, so it is an immense honor to be included in company such as this.
A shirtless young protester in Gaza gripping a Palestinian flag with one hand and swinging a slingshot over his head with the other, on the northern border between Gaza Strip and Israel in the weekly protests, which are organized by Palestinian protesters to protest against the Israeli blockade of Gaza which is imposed by Israel for 12 years until now.
Photograph by Mustafa Hassona