Behind The Scenes - CONTRACT MUSICAL - Kutztown, PA

A few weeks ago I reunited with my old film crew, Set In Motion, working on the first night of filming of Contract Musical.
(Full Disclosure: We were working overnight on what during the day was indeed live tracks, with the full cooperation of the rail line that operated those tracks. We had parked rail cars a mile out in either direction of the set with a rail line representative present on site throughout the duration of filming. Prior to each and every stunt we had full team meeting in order to ensure everyone was aware of all roles and precautions and procedures in any and all happenstances. In my 7+ years and 35+ productions, I have never felt more safe and secure than how locked down that set was. It was a testament to the changes in the industry since the death of Sarah Jones.
For those unfamiliar with her story, I implore you to read up. Her wholly unnecessary death was a paradigm shift in the industry. Which is why I am vigilant about safety around train tracks.)